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    What You're Getting Today
    2019 Facebook Course
    Paid Traffic Training
    Before Going Live (Training Module)
    • ​Getting Into The Right Mindset
    • ​Setting Up The Right CBO Rules
    • ​My 3 Part Creative Process
    • ​Finding Unicorn Ads For Inspiration
    • ​Understanding The Customer Satisfaction Score
    Testing And Cold Traffic Strategies (Training Module)
    • ​Identify All KPIs For Your Offer/Business
    • ​Structuring Your Campaigns
    • ​Using Contests For Top Of Funnel
    • ​Using Dynamic Creative
    • ​The Reverse Targeting Strategy
    Optimization And Middle Of Funnel Strategies (Training Module)
    • ​How To Do Free + Shipping Right
    • ​The Bankruptcy/IPO Method
    • ​CBO Pain Point Segmenting
    • ​Cost Cap Bidding Strategies
    • ​CBO Retargeting Strategies
    Scaling And Advanced Strategies 
    (Training Module)
    • ​The Lottery Method
    • ​Long Term Retargeting (Tortoise Method)
    • ​Post-Purchase Retargeting Sequence
    • ​Advanced Lookalike Strategies
    • ​International Scaling Strategies
    You also get These Incredible Bonuses!
    - 2018 Mastermind replay + slide Deck
    - Building funnels masterclass
    - Ad iq academy webinar keynote
    - EXCLUSIVE UNicorn innovationS Shirt
    Our Refund Policy
    We provide a ton of value inside Paid Traffic Training, and we ask a lot from Max to be able to help all of our students. Because of the huge investment in time from Max and in fairness to students who are investing money in our courses, we have a strict cancel anytime, no refund policy. 

    Once you purchase the course, you get lifetime access to Paid Traffic Training and the bonuses that come with it at time of purchase.

    If you have any questions about the course or our refund policy, reach out to the support team "support@unicorninnovations.com".
    What our partners have to say
    Adrian Morrison
    E-Commerce Entrepreneur, Author & Speaker
    Perry Belcher
    Co-Founder of Digital Marketer
    Ben Malol
    Facebook Marketing Expert & Entrepreneur
    Tim Burd
    Founder of AdLeaks & Facebook Ad Buyers Group
    If after you complete the entire course and attend the weekly trainings you have not at least made your money back we will issue a full refund no questions asked!
    Facebook Ad Academy, Paid Traffic Training and Unicorn Innovations are not a part of Facebook.com or Facebook Inc. Additionally, Facebook Ad Academy and Unicorn Innovations are not endorsed by Facebook, Inc. in any way. Facebook is a trademark of Facebook, Inc. 

    Disclaimer: Sales figures and campaign results listed above or in my marketing material are not typical and are the result of years of training, experimenting and learning from mistakes. These figures and results are used specifically as examples. Your results will vary depending on a wide variety of variables and factors. 

    Refund Policy: We provide a ton of value inside Paid Traffic Training, and we ask a lot from our Mentors to be able to help all of our students. Because of the huge investment in time from our Mentors and in fairness to students who are investing money in our courses, we have a strict no refund policy. This works in our students' favor. Since we don't ask for a long term commitment, we know we have to earn your investment every single month. If you pay for a month, we know you will be getting more than your money's worth if you spend the time to learn from our Mentors. You are able to cancel at anytime by simply reaching out to our support team "support@unicorninnovations.com".
    Made In Sunny Florida @ Unicorn Innovations